Rainforest Builder Jobs in Ghana Expiring in January 2025

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Rainforest Builder Jobs in Ghana Expiring in January 2025

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4. Always apply for a job by attaching CV with a Cover Letter / Application Letter.

Rainforest Builder is Africa’s leading forest restoration company, on a mission to restore one million hectares of degraded land to natural tropical forest. Our team combines top global scientists and foresters into one integrated company specialized in large-scale tropical forest restoration. We have well-established partnerships with many of the world’s largest companies to support them meeting their decarbonisation goals.

Our operations today focus on the restoration of Africa’s most degraded rainforest landscape, the Upper Guinean Forest, where we have two existing projects and a growing high-quality pipeline for further expansion. Each project is large scale (100,000 hectares+) and long-term (71+ years), with additional measures taken to ensure permanence long after we are gone.


Rainforest Builder invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the jobs listed below. 

List of Rainforest Builder Ghana Jobs

Click on a job vacancy to read more and apply

  1. Finance Officer
  2. Assistant GIS Officer
  3. Quality Control Forester
  4. Community Liaison Officer
  5. Assistant Community Liaison Manager
  6. Drone Pilot
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  • Do not pay any fee to any Recruiter.
  • The Recruiter may amend, delete or expire jobs at any time without notification.
  • The Recruiter reserves the right not to proceed with filling the position.
  • An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview.


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