Additional Information & Application Method
Submit your CV (and a cover letter if you wish) via email to:
- Include the job title of the opportunity in the subject line.
- Applications will be reviewed and shortlisted on a rolling basis and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.
CARE has zero tolerance for fraud and corruption. We DO NOT collect fees or request financial information from job applicants at any stage of the recruitment process. If you are asked for payment or experience any irregularities during this process, please report your concerns anonymously via
CARE is a global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. Our mission around the world is to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice.
At CARE, we know that recruiting and retaining a talented and diverse workforce is critical to achieving our mission of ending global poverty. CARE defines "diversity" beyond the regular classifications of gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age and disability, and includes diversity of perspectives that uphold CARE's Core Values ( Our goal is to create and maintain a work environment that promotes diversity in everything we do.
We are also committed to creating and maintaining a safe work environment for our staff, partners, and beneficiaries with specific attention to protection from sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, and child protection.
Check out our guides on [ How to write a Winning CV ] and [ How to write the perfect Cover Letter ]
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Submit your CV (and a cover letter if you wish) via email to:
- Include the job title of the opportunity in the subject line.
- Applications will be reviewed and shortlisted on a rolling basis and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.
CARE has zero tolerance for fraud and corruption. We DO NOT collect fees or request financial information from job applicants at any stage of the recruitment process. If you are asked for payment or experience any irregularities during this process, please report your concerns anonymously via
CARE is a global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. Our mission around the world is to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice.
At CARE, we know that recruiting and retaining a talented and diverse workforce is critical to achieving our mission of ending global poverty. CARE defines "diversity" beyond the regular classifications of gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age and disability, and includes diversity of perspectives that uphold CARE's Core Values ( Our goal is to create and maintain a work environment that promotes diversity in everything we do.
We are also committed to creating and maintaining a safe work environment for our staff, partners, and beneficiaries with specific attention to protection from sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, and child protection.
Check out our guides on [ How to write a Winning CV ] and [ How to write the perfect Cover Letter ]
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