Impact Partner Organization - Mastercard Foundation

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Mastercard Foundation NGO Jobs in Ghana

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The Mastercard Foundation seeks the services and partnership of an Impact Partner Organization (IPO) or single consortium of organizations, to manage and undertake the following MEL work in Ghana over a 2-year time period:

  • Quarterly Impact monitoring
  • Preparation of an Annual Impact Report for Ghana (summative of quarters)
  • Related baseline work and specialized quantitative and qualitative surveys
  • Support for the co-creation of youth narratives
  • Training, engagement and mentoring of Young Impact Associates - the next generation of African evaluators.
  • Contribute to special reviews, internal rapid assessments, and evaluations as needed.
  • Support special convenings such as annual partner meetings to share learning on Impact.
  • Contribute to building a knowledge base on the Journey to Impact for young women and men.
  • Conduct quarterly, semi-annual and annual partner data quality audits using pre-defined data quality parameters and standard operating procedures (SOPs)  

In fulfilling this work, the Foundation expects the IPO to be a thought partner in framing the work, adapting and adjusting the shape of these products and processes  


Working with young women and men in Africa represents a unique opportunity to develop, implement, and learn from programming and influencing activities using approaches that value African and Indigenous knowledge and ways of being and knowing. Impact measurement and the associated narratives about Impact will be guided by youth-focused lenses and located within the nexus of nationally owned strategies and global best practices and thought leadership. The methodologies, tools and insights throughout this journey will be determined and co-created in partnership with youth and other Indigenous vectors of knowledge in communities and countries where we work.   

Required Skills or Experience

The Foundation is interested in hearing from firms and organizations in Ghana with interest and existing capacity to conduct the tasks listed above. Specifically, this meansnational organizations/institutions, NGO/CSOs, private sector consulting firmsand joint ventures of samebased in Ghana

IPO candidates must

  • Be based in Ghana, owned and operated largely by country or African residents. Where a joint venture or partnership is proposed, the leadership of the venture must be national, and the majority shares must be African; with a clear indication of what value addition is derived from the international participation in the joint venture.
  • Have considerable national reach and coverage of the geographic areas and sectors of MCF programs and partnership/investmentsApplicants should have the linguistic capacity to work in the major Ghanaian languages.
  • Have substantial proven experience in monitoring, evaluation, quantitative and qualitative data analytics, reporting at an aggregate country-wide level (not just individual project level)and experience with technology enabled MEL.
  • Have a track record in supporting programs, portfolios and developmental efforts to measure and generate impact results including the use of qualitative narrative.
  • Have technical knowledge (or access to same) in the sectoral areas of work of the Foundation – agriculture, digital economy, finance, as well as a deep understanding of Resilience concepts and sustainable development in fragile socio-economic ecosystems.
  • Understand the challenges of youth unemployment in Ghana in formal and informal settings in Africa, and in particular, a deeper understanding of the dynamics of dignified and fulfilling work for young people, their families, communities and the ecosystems.
  • Have a proven track record of working with youth and marginalized populations, including methodological insights into how to meaningfully engage young women and men and other marginalized communities in youth-focused developmental efforts.
  • Have a track record in technology-enabled MEL.
  • Have a track record designing and producing impactful and innovative reports.
  • Possess capacities, human and material resources to design and facilitate training and coaching, especially for young researchers and evaluators.
  • Be an excellent, dynamic communicator and relationship builder.
  • Have passion, creativity and valuesWe want to work with people who are technically qualified, as well as passionate, creative, and principled, and who will constructively challenge the Foundation.



  • Do not pay any fee to any Recruiter.
  • The Recruiter may amend, delete or expire jobs at any time without notification.
  • The Recruiter reserves the right not to proceed with filling the position.
  • An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview.


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