Enchi College of Education Recruitment 2020

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Enchi College of Education Recruitment 2020

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The Governing Council of Enchi College of Education, Enchl, announces to the Academic Community and the General Public the existence of vacancies for the following:

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Click on an Enchi College of Education job vacancy below to read more and apply

Enchi College of Education Recruitment 2020

College Librarian

The College Librarian at Enchi College of Education provides leadership in advancing the Coliege's teaching and research mission through a clear vision of the library's role, comprehensive strategic planning, incorporation of emerging technology, sound fiscal management and engagement of all members in the college community. He/ she has overall responsibility for library, research and information needs of the college community. Specifically, the College Librarian's duties shall include:


  • Drawing up and monitoring the implementation of College Library Strategic Plan;
  • Directing and coordinating the components of the library i.e. staff, services, collections and external relations;
  • Establishing and maintaining procedures, policies and systems that make for efficient library operation;
  • Planning, organising, coordinating and measuring the work activities of all library personnel;
  • Representing the library in contacts with Administration and Committees of the College; and
  • Collaboration with the relevant and appropriate institutional libraries and organisations within and outside the country in order to keep up with development trends and attain exposure to developed systems.

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Internal Auditor

The Internal Auditor at Enchi College of Education provides an independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the College's operations. He/she will help the College accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic disciplined approach to evaluate and improve risk management, control and governance processes.


Responsibilities and Duties

Determining the reliability and adequacy of accounting, financial and operational controls in the College.

  • Monitoring compliance with established policies, plans and procedures.
  • Evaluating the procedures of the College to determine whether results are consistent with the stated objectives and goals.
  • Assessing the extent to which assets are accounted for and safeguarded against losses.
  • Ensuring that reliable records form the basis for the preparation of appropriate financial and other data provided for decision-making. Drawing the Principal's attention to deficiencies in the system, instances of duplicated functions, waste or other inefficiencies with recommendations for remedies where necessary.
  • Carrying out special reviews of accounting and internal control systems with the view of minimising weaknesses.

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College Secretary

The College Secretary at Enchi College of Education Is the Chief Administrative Officer of the College and the Head of the Office of the College Secretariat. He/she shall assist the Principal in the administration and management of the College. He/she is the Secretary to the College Council, all Committees of Council as well as all Statutory Committees of the College. It shall be the responsibility of the College Secretary to ensure the functioning of all Boards and Standing Committees of the College. The Office of the College Secretary is in charge of all administrative, secretarial arid personnel matters of the College which include:


  • Human resource management.
  • Keeping and maintaining the Inventory of the college's assets.
  • Management and development of the college's asset.
  • Administration and organisation of admissions
  • Organization of examinations and publications of results
  • Organization of all official ceremonies including matriculation, congregation and convocation

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  • Do not pay any fee to any Recruiter.
  • The Recruiter may amend, delete or expire jobs at any time without notification.
  • The Recruiter reserves the right not to proceed with filling the position.
  • An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview.


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