Latest NGO Jobs in Ghana 2024

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Apply for NGO Jobs in Accra and Beyond

Explore top NGO Jobs in Ghana below. Discover full-time and part-time job vacancies in Accra, Kumasi, and beyond. Start your career today!

Technical Advisor: Rural Development - GIZ Ghana

NGO Jobs

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - is a public-benefit federal enterprise working in more than 100 countries worldwide....

Regional Coordinator: North-East Region | Plan International

NGO Jobs

Plan International Ghana is looking to employ the services of a highly skilled, experienced and qualified professional in the role of Regional Coordinator...


Project Lead - Plan International Ghana

NGO Jobs

Plan International Ghana is looking to recruit a highly experienced and qualified professional to join its ranks as Project Lead on our Ghana Education...

Drone Pilot - Rainforest Builder

NGO Jobs

Rainforest Builder is Africa’s leading forest restoration company, on a mission to restore one million hectares of degraded land to natural tropical...

Project Management Specialist - Africa Education Watch

NGO Jobs

Africa Education Watch (Eduwatch) works with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Governments and the Private Sector to promote an equitable, accountable...

Senior Technical Advisor - Africa Education Watch

NGO Jobs

Africa Education Watch (Eduwatch) works with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Governments and the Private Sector to promote an equitable, accountable...


Latest Jhpiego NGO Jobs in Ghana 2025

NGO Jobs

Jhpiego is an international, non-profit health organization affiliated with John Hopkins University.  For 50 years and over and in over 155 countries,...

Program Manager - Jhpiego

NGO Jobs

Job Overview The Program Manager (PM) is responsible for overall program management, leadership, and guidance to team members. Under the supervision of...

Regional Technical Officers - Jhpiego

NGO Jobs

Job Overview The Regional Technical Officer (RTO) will support the provision of technical assistance to the BEAT Breast Cancer project and other related...

MERL Officer - Jhpiego

NGO Jobs

Job Overview The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer will provide support to the BEAT Breast Cancer team including support for data collection,...


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JobSearch Ghana is your most reliable website for latest jobs in Ghana today. If you are interested in getting genuine and reviewed job vacancies in Ghana from the best companies, then you are in the right place. Browse For Graduate Jobs, Government Recruitments & More. You can find current jobs in Ghana today on LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Graphic here


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