Career Advice Tips In Ghana - Page 1

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National Service Posting For Nurses 2020/2021 is out | The National Service (NSS) posting for nurses for the 2020/2021 service year has been released. The...

The National Service Scheme, NSS Appointment Letter 2020/2021. The National Service Scheme (NSS) Appointment Letters for the 2020/2021 has been released. The...


The National Service Scheme, NSS Registration Centres for 2020/2021 has been released. Prospective NSS candidates should visit any of the centers nationwide...

In the world of influencer marketing, today’s customer is savvier than ever. Sales reps benefit from new tools and technology, but they face new...

Last year, vacant positions were at a 17-year high; the unemployment rate at a low 3.9%. Across industries and at companies large and small, hiring teams...

If you're looking for a new job, LinkedIn is a good place to start your search. You can also visit if you are looking for jobs...


It is really disturbing when you don't receive calls from employers after you have applied for a long list of jobs. Days become weeks, weeks become month...

From the title of this article, i know you might have asked yourself this same question. if you haven't then ask yourself what's  more important to...

How to make your job application stand out with less or no work experience in Ghana 2018. You have been applying for jobs for a while now and you have...

I have noticed from my days as a student up to date, most students think taking a break from school means you should head home, sleep and have fun all...


JobSearch Ghana is your most reliable website for latest jobs in Ghana today. If you are interested in getting genuine and reviewed jobs from the best companies in Ghana, then you are in the right place. Browse For Graduate Jobs, Government Recruitments & More. You can find current jobs in Ghana today on LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Graphic, Job Web Ghana here


Job search is not an easy journey. That is why we have engaged experts to write seasoned articles to guide your job search in Ghana. We cover interviews, cover letters, CVs, aptitude tests, workplace life, entrepreneurship, personal finance and more. Check out our career articles page today!
