Ghana National Fire & Rescue Service (GNFS) Recruitment Scam 2020/2021
Scam / FraudThe attention of the Head of the Ghana National Fire & Rescue Service has been drawn to a publication being circulated on social media and other online portals that “Ghana National Fire & Rescue Service (GNFS) is inviting applications from suitably qualified Ghanaians for 2020/2021 job recruitment“.
The Office of the Head of Ghana National Fire & Rescue Service wishes to inform the general public that, the GNFS is not the author of the said information and urges all to disregard it.
The Service wishes to assure the general public that when such opportunities turn up, due processes and procedures will be followed and the general public will be informed through the appropriate channels.
GNFS issued this statement on its official Facebook page. Read the statement below:
“It has come to the notice of the GNFS that some dubious people are using an online recruitment page purported to have come from us. We wish to state that there is no such recruitment from us online. The contact of the fake recruitment is 0551197608. We urge the public to disregard such adverts.”