What Are Aptitude Tests

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What Are Aptitude Tests

Aptitude Tests

In this article, we are going to learn what an aptitude test is and why it's so important to pass it before you can get employed. For those who do not know what it is. An aptitude test is a systematic means of testing a job candidate's abilities to perform specific tasks and react to a range of different situations.

The tests each have a standardised method of administration and scoring, with the results quantified and compared with all other test takers. No prior knowledge is assumed, as the tests seek to determine innate ability at a particular competency.


How are Aptitude Tests Administered?

Aptitude tests are increasingly administered online - most often after a candidate has made their initial job application - and are used to filter unsuitable applicants out of the selection process, without the need for time-consuming one-to-one .

Employers use aptitude tests from a variety of providers - such as SHLTalent Q and Cubiks - alongside general interview adviceapplication formsassessment centres, academic results and other selection methods. No test is perfect, but all aim to give an indication of how candidates will respond to the challenges they will face in their day-to-day roles at a firm.


The tests can be taken online or at a testing centre, such as a firm's offices, where they are usually paper-based. Often a firm may ask you to complete both types of test, to confirm you did not cheat during the initial unsupervised online test.

Some Types Of Aptitude Tests

Before we outline the few tips let's check out some  types of the aptitude tests you might take :



Tips to successfully pass an aptitude test

Continue To Tips To Pass Any Aptitude Test


Citation: WikiJob. “What Are Aptitude Tests.” What Is an Aptitude Test?, 2018, www.wikijob.co.uk/content/aptitude-tests/test-types/aptitude-tests.




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