Monitoring & Evaluation Director - World Vision International

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World Vision is seeking candidates for the position of Monitoring & Evaluation Director for an anticipated USAID WASH project. The purpose of the project will be to increase access to sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services to targeted districts in Northern Ghana. The M&E Director has overall responsibility for providing coordination and leadership for monitoring and evaluation of the grant, including developing and managing the project’s monitoring, evaluation and learning framework to ensure quality of implementation and generate high quality data for measuring progress, reporting and adaptive management. The M&E Director would also be responsible for leading and providing technical backstopping for all project assessments, including baselining, mid-term and end line; as well as coordinating research and learning actions.


List statements describing the final results of this position and method of accomplishments, and how results/performance are reviewed and measured. Begin with the most important accountabilities.

Technical Leadership and Support

  • Lead the development, operationalization and reporting on a comprehensive Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Research and Learning (MEARL) System for the USAID WASH Project.
  • Ensure that the Project thematic objectives and their execution are aligned to the overall project goal and WVG National Office strategic objectives; and monitoring of the same is consistently done to ensure compliance and impact towards the well-being of the child.
  • Direct the successful development and implementation of technically feasible approaches and innovations in alignment with the project design, for meeting its objectives.



  • Provide effective leadership to staff within MEARL system of the project, and other project stakeholders; and ensure the professional development of staff, including coaching, appraisals, monitoring and needed training and mentoring activities are successfully carried out.
  • Enable the Project Lead, relevant technical team, and stakeholders to receive timely and appropriate MEARL technical support needed to meet or exceed donor performance and compliance expectations.

Capacity Building:

  • Ensure the consolidation of a learning culture – based upon evidenced based best practices and industry standards – to enable project staff to achieve and/or surpass established targets and standards.
  • Ensure and impart appropriate mentoring, coaching and supervision in order to equip, motivate and empower project staff and partners.
  • Ensure capacity building of project staff and partners on the project MEARL system, and all DME processes that support the project.
  • Provide support to the National Office and other WV entities for any WASH M&E needs.
  • Provide support to WV partners, communities and Government institutions for the development and implementation of WASH M&E initiatives.

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Provide backstopping for the development of the Project M&E framework aligned with USAID and WVG quality requirements/ standards.
  • Ensure the integration of the project M&E into the National Office M&E system for streamlined progress tracking and impact reporting.
  • Ensure the design and review of the WASH project M&E tools, and providing guidance on their use on the field; as well as the development, adaptation and usage of innovative M&E tools and applications.
  • Ensure the tracking of project implementation and providing sound monitoring of all project indicators; and guiding implementation in alignment with the project implementation plan and design.
  • Lead and ensure successful project assessments, including project baseline, mid-term assessment, evaluation, among others.
  • Provide support for the review of the project Annual Plan and Budgets to remain focus towards the projects overall goal and objectives

Data Management, Reporting, Research and Learning

  • Lead and collaborate and work with WVG GIS Manager, the technical team and the WASH software teams to ensure that the project data syncs with all data bases (WV online GIS and Horizon Field monitoring systems, WASH Database, Hydro database, Water quality database, etc.),
  • Ensure that regular quality control checks of the project databases are carried out to ensure data integrity.
  • Ensure that project data is collected, documented, validated, edited, analyzed and presented appropriately for reports, and ensure the regular preparation of tables, graphs and written reports summarizing project M&E data to demonstrate project performance for sharing and engagement with project stakeholders.
  • Lead and ensure the preparation of project-related reports (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually), presentations, impact stories, publications and other technical reports.
  • Be the focal person for initiating, coordinating and ensuring the success of project researches, publications and learning events.
  • Ensure documentations of all project implementation and management processing for learning and evidence generation that supports continuous stakeholder engagements.

Resources Acquisition

  • Ensure technical support and provision of M&E and research evidence and learning resources to sector related concepts and proposals to meet DM&E and donor standards.
  • Enable the relevant Program Effectiveness staff to provide the RAM unit the relevant technical support required to successfully meet or exceed established yearly resource acquisition targets.




  • Perform any other duty as may be assigned by the project lead and key stakeholders and donor from time to time.
  • Participate and contribute in sharing and learning platforms related to the project sector to showcase best practices from the project and injective inn


List education, knowledge & skills, licenses preferred, and all experiences required to perform this position in a fully competent manner.

  • Degree in Development Studies, Social Sciences, Computer/Information Science, Environmental Science, Public Health, Statistics or Mathematics. Advanced degree is an added advantage.
  • Technical Training qualifications required: Knowledge in M&E System Design and Implementation, evidence generation, data management, maps & graphs designs presentations and data visualization
  • Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience in M&E, Research and Learning, Project Management, Data management including knowledge of GIS, and considerable knowledge of computerized information system.
  • Experience in the following areas would be a strong advantage: National WASH M&E framework (DiMES), Global WASH M&E initiatives, statistics, data capture and analysis.
  • Professional technical skill desired: Recognized certification in M&E would be an added advantage.

How To Apply

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